Friday, September 10, 2010


When I first became a Realtor it was exciting.   I loved helping people find the homes they love and selling their homes within 30 days.   It was awesome!   At times I was so overwhelmed with the amount of work I had to do it was crazy.    I'm not sure how many people I've told my story to about how I got into Real Estate?   I was one of those people who would go to every new development to look at the model homes.   I loved looking at houses and I loved searching for homes for friends who were looking.  I was one of those crazy "buyers" that Tyler would say... "Get out of my car!" .. Jokingly of course.   At that time I was a mom and working as a part-time dental assistant, and after about 10 years of doing that, circumstances changed and left me with an open door to investigate one of my dreams.   I was really scared.   I "thought" I wasn't a great student and the thought of passing an intense test that contained math!  OMGosh!!  I didn't tell anyone that I was even doing it... not even my own mom.   I was scared I was going to fail.    I loved it though and I studied my BUTT off!! (wish it was littoral).   I ended up passing my class with an A and I passed the Real Estate Exam on the first try!   I was shocked and so excited that I called my mom in the car and told her what I did.   I had prayed often asking God for direction and wondering if I was making the right decision.   I was really nervous to start up a business after working and receiving a steady paycheck for so many years.  I was a good dental assistant too and one of the top paid assistants.   I started questioning my decision and went and applied for some dental assisting jobs.   I got the interviews and the dentist raved about how they would love to hire me, but every door was closed!  I thought, ok Lord you obviously don't want me doing that anymore so I'm going to trust that you've open this new chapter in my life for a reason.   I interviewed with a number of brokerages, but ended up going with my gut on my decision and chose to work for Kim McGuire at the new Prudential office.  I just felt a connection to Kim and felt she was a genuine and honest person.... and she is.  I was blessed in my new career as Realtor right from the start and took off running!!   Our teacher told us in class that 90+% of the people who attempt real estate don't make it their first year.  The Lord has really opened so many doors and provided so many blessings for me that I am grateful for.  

The best blessings have truly been my clients.    Everyone of them have a story and it's always so exciting to see how it turns out and why our paths connected.    Lately those stories have changed.   Now I'm a counselor and a financial adviser.   Times are really tough for people and there is so much pain in the world right now.     We are listing and selling homes due to hardship.   People can't pay their mortgage, their marriages are stressed and falling apart, their dreams have been shattered, they've lost their jobs and can't find any employment.    It's heart breaking.    But I LOVE IT!  Not the circumstances but being able to be there to listen, to let them know I want to help and to create a solution that's going to work.   As much as I loved being able to put food on my table and pay my bills, it's not always about that anymore.    Circumstances have changed for my family too and we have to live off of a whole lot less than we were accustom too, but God is good and it's so evident to us his blessings.  If I didn't have to worry about paying my bills.. I'd honestly just work for free and continue helping and counseling hurting people.   As cruddy as I am in math, I've found I'm really good with finances and creating solutions quickly.   People just need to know that there's someone who cares, who can give them direction and let them know they have options.  The worse possible thing you can do in that situation... is nothing!  The heartbreaking thing for me is talking with those people when it's already been a year or two years that they have been frozen in their path, and scared not knowing what to do.  Doesn't mean it's hopeless though!   If you know of anyone who's struggling financially please please let them know they have options and I would love to help educate them on what they can do.... and a lot of times keep them in their homes.    I don't have all the answers, but I definitely have the heart... and the understanding.... by the grace of God truly.  YOU ARE LOVED!

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  
Are you not worth much more than they?  
And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?"  .... 
For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things." Matt 6

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Truth....

This morning I was reading, The Journey by Walk In The Word, and the topic was Dependency.   This honestly is a subject I struggle with because it often comes up at any Realtor Convention you attend.

Not too long ago I went to a training session for Keller Williams called Quantum Leap (side thought... I love all the training and energy Keller Williams bring to their agents.  It's Awesome!) there were a lot of good points, in fact one of the first quotes in the book was, "True wealth is not about money, it's about abundance and great plenty.(and then.....)  An abundant life is a life marked with Great Plenty in your THINKING, in the ACCOMPLISHMENT of your PERSONAL PURPOSE, in the habits that make your daily life, and in your key relationships.  It's a life in which you ACHIEVE harmony, because YOU know what the important elements are and you actively counterbalance them.   I struggle with those things because I honestly feel that no (blessings) just happen.   The first thought that popped in my mind was, "Seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be added unto you" if you read that verse further it says.. "So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own".      I have to be honest and say I fail at the "do not worry" part of it sometimes, but as soon as I banish those thoughts and really start trusting again... I'm always blessed.  I see His blessing all the time.   Anyway... back to my original thought while sitting in the class.   I guess for me, I don't ever want to get to a point where I feel like I have control and it's up to me to "Steer my life"... Can you imagine??  I guess that's why Carrie Underwood has that song, "Jesus Take The Wheel".    I know I can't ACCOMPLISH anything on my own, and my PERSONAL PURPOSE is to Glorify God in all that I do.     If you've NEVER read the Bible it's the best user manual available on the shelves!  God designed us and He gave us the best instructions for life ever... for relationships, parenting, marriage, communication, finances... you name it, it's in there.

I'm dependent on God.. but actually it's so much more than that, because that's only a small part.  You have to have the Holy Spirit.   The Journey states... "Part of the Holy Spirits ministry is to lead us into truth.  The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:14 that the man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit.  They are foolishness to him".  Understanding God is not learning practical logic like one would learn Algebra  or Geometry (Thank God!! I wouldn't learn anything then) or even history.  We do not know the things of God without the work of the Spirit of God to open our eyes and give understanding.  Spiritual truth does not make sense to the human mind that is Detached from God.    In our everyday lives, when we depend upon Christ (Not ourselves), we are drawing upon the grace, presence, and power of His indwelling Spirit.  We learn things about Him we never would otherwise, and in areas where we wouldn't normally feel capable, we discover the complete sufficiency of Christ.  Jesus will ALWAYS meet the NEEDS of every heart in which He dwells.  LOVE THAT!!!  That takes me back to my original thought about Life isn't about money... there's so much more, and the really awesome thing is I don't have to worry about it, because God promises he will provide all my NEEDS... and he does.   I'm so Glad I GET THAT.   Because these are scary times and I'm not going to worry about it.    So if you are feeling worried, stressed, sick, poor, lonely, .... check out the best manual out there, the Holy Bible, and know YOU ARE LOVED!



Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In The Beginning..

Wow... you would probably laugh if you knew how long of a process this was for me to get to this point.  I really didn't want to blog... but yet HERE I AM??  

I really don't like to journal and I've never been someone to keep a diary so we'll see how this goes.  I'm excited to see what I write, and hopefully you'll find it exciting too.

MOre... to CoMe
